Saturday, July 17, 2010

Measures to overcome influenza A (H1N1).

Influenza A silent killer

Practice good personal hygiene to protect family

Since in recent weeks, influenza A (H1N1) is the subject of a life-threatening to the entire world community. Outbreak of disease that is increasingly worrisome to the number of cases detected over 2000 reported involving 21 countries and a large number of deaths due to H1N1.

At this stage, it is important for the public to take precautions against the threat of new cold as well as build awareness about safety measures to be taken to prevent it from spreading.

As we know, at this stage, the outbreak of H1N1 cause difficulty in breathing caused by a new virus is a mixture of two types of virus that pig viruses to humans and birds the genetic elements that can infect other people. Early signs, such as H1N1 is the flu, including fever, cough, headache, muscle pain and numb-numb joints, sore throat and runny nose and vomiting and sometimes of diarrhea.

The disease began to spread when an infected person by hand to cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing and then touching any surface, or when the drip-drip of water into the air. Those not infected are likely breathe polluted air, or touching the hands of those who are infected or contaminated surfaces and exposed to the disease.

Therefore, to prevent it from spreading, one should always maintain proper hygiene; for example, close your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze with tissue or by hand and then throw the tissue promptly, and always wash your hands with antibacterial soap or water .

If you are ill or are affected by symptoms such as flu, stay at home and avoid contact with others, do not go to a place filled with people, public places or using public transport. Avoid touching the eyes, nose and mouth as the secretion of the place has a virus and can infect others.

Signs and symptoms of the disease can be shifted from adults to children, and individuals to other individuals. Hence, here are several warning signs as precautionary measures.

Although the vaccine is most effective ways to protect the public during an outbreak of influenza, until now, there is no vaccine that can fight the virus H1N1. However, some precautions can be taken to prevent ourselves from being infected.

For a start, try to avoid touching the eyes, nose, ears and mouth, as this is the easiest way for IU virus into the body. You are also advised to always wash your hands with antibacterial soap and rinse with water than just water alone. Use the correct technique as described below as a guide:

Avoid standing too crowded and ventilation as well as maintain good personal hygiene. If you plan to go abroad, it is better to postpone the first outbreak was really pleased.

However, the government in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO) to take necessary steps to control the spread of H1N1 such as having H1N1 screening of any symptoms at all entry points in Malaysia to local citizens and foreign nationals in addition to disseminating medical advice to the public .

So, with all relevant information available, you should protect the family from further contact with the epidemic to help Malaysia free of H1N1 infected. Most important, it is the responsibility of all parties to take necessary steps to prevent the flu virus from spreading.

One can start by maintaining good personal hygiene by maintaining optimal hygiene at all times. Always wash hands with antibacterial cleanser LifeBuoy hand not only protect you from contact with harmful bacteria, but also moisturize your hands and make your skin scented.

Apart from washing your hands frequently, shower with antibacterial cleaner body after returning home are also simple steps that can be taken to prevent bringing home germs and bacteria harmful to your family.

Among the signs that need to be examined in children:

* Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
* Lips turn blue
* Often exhausted or are not able to move
* Stiffness in the neck
* Seems confused
* Experienced seizures or convulsions
* Do not urinate for 12 hours

Among the signs in the elderly:

* Fever lasts for more than five days
* Cough without phlegm
* It's hard to breathe, even while resting
* Chest pain when breathing
* Lips turned blue
* Recurrent fever and shortness of breath seemed to have recovered despite
* Fainting

Clean your hands to prevent infection of H1N1

1. Mix the soap into the palm of your hand.

2. Rub a whole until it is frothy.

3. Sental in the gap as the radius of the area known as 'the most popular place' by the bacteria.

4. Sental each finger on the palm until it is clean.

5. Rub the back of the hand and wrist.

6. Finally, rinse well with water in a clean and dry with a clean cloth or tissue.

(Cited above is extracted & translated from article by the Ministry of Health)

Simple measures to overcome traffic congestion.

What is the simple ways to resolve traffic jams ?

Some of the ways are:
-It is highly recommended to use public transportation , this will reduce numbers of transport on road .
- if due to accidents- don't be busybody and just drive straight on to your destination.
-car pooling


How to Maintain a youthful woman.

Women - do you want to maintain your youth?

If so, try the easy way is: -

1. Relax your mind. Keep mile regardless of the time. Life is short time. Live with meaning. Forget the past, and work hard for a bright future.

2. Sleep and wake up early. Sleep helps build energy.

3. Hobby. A person who has a hobby is entertaining.

4. To women who have been committed, it is good for you to be active in sexual activity with her husband. It is recommended a woman should not prevent the holding of sexual activity with her husband, because: -
(A) the prevalence of sex hormones increase the level of a woman, and to prevent opportunities for increased heart disease; also softens the vagina, the system functions.
(B) the good or the needs of sexual intimacy can be obtained through your spouse.
(C) sexual activity to prevent the increase of age.
(D) sexual satisfaction of women with families to face brightness.

5. Keeping your mind.

6. Ensure that your mind fit and active, while sitting in the easy to build broad negative thoughts.

7. Make your good work / donate to release the tension.

8. Make their own decisions.

9. Exercise regularly, avoid fatty foods, and eat the fruit.

10. Avoid taking a nutrition activities. Try a different diet to balance your body.

For the addition, Yoga is an effective activity in a woman's youthful immortality.


Thanks to :

How to stimulate baby

A new baby is born Muslims are considered as whites. The development of the personality from the stage leaving no experts who argue that starts from the fetal stage. Newborns are equipped with all pancainderanya and it can interact with the environment and those around him, especially his mother and father.

In the past most people thought a new baby as an individual who is passive and not able to recognize her parents, the environment, or give any reaction to the move-around. But at present clearly to the experts, child development that newborns are able to move about and respond to the concern shown by others to him.

Babies can hear it, can see and already can feel comfortable circumstances or conditions that are not pleasant. Babies cry when hungry, the peace of the breast. As his big, clear, sometimes he cries when he is alone and will settle down again when dibedung, adopted or didodoikan.

At present many parents are asking for ways to stimulate baby. Now it is clear that intellectual performance of a child can be enhanced by providing an environment full of stimulation to the child. Sitimulasi or this stimulus should be exhibited to the children from the baby.

If the observed behavior of a baby born a few days he clearly saw that he would be in the four conditions - deep sleep, drowsiness, the crying. In his state of alert and kept watching and kept watching the environment around the sensory-derianya will capture all the C. in the region. Sometimes he would move about and respond to these C., C.. For example he may be laughing if his mother laughing in front. He will see things that diimbaskan front of her face.

How to stimulate baby

Appropriate circumstances to stimulate the baby was at the time he was literate and aware. Parents need to understand a good time to stimulate the baby as if the stimulus be continued regardless of ability to interact with infants, this may bring negative effects to it. When the baby kept watching her face, she should be talking with him, sing love, show a smiley face happy or laughing while rubbed her body and kissing it. Baby feeding time can be used to stimulate the baby. Words such as "son of a very beautiful mother, his mother is very sweet, dear mother children, children love to drink mother's milk", and recommended for use at this time.

Mothers are also encouraged to speak and spend with her during her lampinnya washed or changed. Distance to face her baby's diaper while copying very suitable for the interaction between mother and baby. While copying the diaper such words as "beautiful legs mother son, mother son wanginya body," and so can be used.

Before a baby can use language he would be through a systematic process of development. Newborn is crying alone. Baby's ability to produce consonants, such as mm, mm, or ng at the age of three to four months will continue to grow until the age of six months she is able to produce the sound "ma ma ma, na na na", as if he wanted to call his mother. Most babies are able to produce a meaningful word like "mama", "baba" at the age of ten months. The language used by mothers to him every day and every time the baby will be able to learn and develop their own language. So parents need to understand that they should pay attention to the language development of their babies and help to always speak to their babies. Language is very important to learn the circumstances surrounding a man, because the language of a small child can express his desire, can wonder, can beg, and can produce views on a matter.

A baby is always crying would be less able to receive the C. of the environment and of those around him. There are mothers who say "Let the boy cry, a long time when he is tired, he'll shut up." This assumption is not true, and parents are advised to try to calm the support force and mendodoinya or mengenjut-enjutkannya. Always found that a mother who already know how to get attention and stimulate the baby will have her baby less fuss. Want a baby to cry for. Try to find the reason and he pujuklah.

Playing with the baby is very, very encouraged. Baby's fingers can be salts or both hands ditepuk-tepukkan while mother sings the words like "pat-pat hand." In short, the words produced by a mother should be preferably in connection with an act done.


Environment of a baby can be enriched by having a wide range of sounds like the songs from the music box (musical box) or with images, colorful.

To stimulate the baby's mother encouraged conversation, play, sing or read something to the baby as this will not only help the baby's language development but may improve their intellectual performance. Before the child can use the language he should understand the language. Thus parents are encouraged to always produce the right words at the time he interacted with her baby. God willing if the language development of children can be accelerated, intellectual performance also improved

Rabbit Care Tips

Ok, for this entry , I want to share tips on care to take care of one animal hair and long ears, the rabbit. Look how a.k.a rabbit rabbit? Below is the picture ...



Yes, in addition to writing blogs and selling clothes city (abis raya dah, dah jual baju raya no longer I ~), I also have a rabbit who is also defending the livelihoods of the rural is my all. Currently, there are ten pieces I have sold rabbits in the 'Photography Market, Bukit Gambir' with reasonable prices. (Ermm ~ affordable ker? Graduates ~) On the request of a new friend come to take care of the rabbits, here is provide some tips that I use to take care of the rabbits. Ok, Where should I start eh? Ok, rabbit nih he kind of type. I know the type he is, you can see here ...

Some of the things you need to know to take care of the rabbits are;


If we see in shopping mall, rabbit food that is sold is usually pellets. I used to call things , RB rabbits. Nih pellets look like he is a long-term. like the picture below.

Pellet a.k.a dedak arnab

Pellet a.k.a dedak arnab

RB a.k.a rabbit pellets

In addition, rabbit food, such as grass hay and a few other types of grass that is said is very good for diet rabbits. But for the rabbits that I advocate, I do not ever give this grass. Because in my village there is no sale of this kind of rabbit food. Therefore, to stabilize the rabbit diet, I feed 'grass Israel.

rumput israel

Israel Grass

In addition to Israel's grass, leaves, kangkung, sweet leaves, shoots, leaves, shoots tenggek birds, and pandan leaf salad king food for rabbits side. It does not require high costs for all types of trees and leaves that I just let it all already have planted around my house. Mainly grass Israel. It is much quoted in the woods dikebun-garden. Leaves of sweet potato shoots and leaves of cassava leaves can also be given to rabbits. But you have to menjemurnya prior to drying the rubber is in the leaf. This is to avoid rabbits 'drunk' because Ingestion rubbery leaves.

:!: I would like to remind here, if given a rabbit to eat vegetables or leaves, NEVER be in the morning. Because it can cause your rabbit abdominal pain.

Shouta~ Arnab putih saya...

Shouta ~ my white rabbit ...

Clean water should also be provided to rabbits. Make sure the container to put water in the rabbit is always clean to avoid rabbits infected with disease.

You can choose to take care of the rabbits in cages, or make a house for your rabbit. If you intend to memerliharanya just for fun (not for breeding), you can be anything in the cage. ~ Yield more or less like cages cat cages tuh ... But if you intend to create a culture, you better make a rabbit-house for your rabbit. With a wide place in the big house, your rabbit will be more free to move and not feel crowded if the number of rabbits has increased a lot.

Ibu arnab: Suki & Arnab jantan: Teruna~

Mother rabbits: Suki & Rabbit male: male ~

If you want to build a house rabbit, make sure the house has two doors. I mean, my house I shared my second or middle block is divided. This is to facilitate your rabbits separate male and female rabbits to organize peranakkan cycle for your rabbit. Because doe nih, it is time for him I could give birth, she will be fertile graduates ~ always ...
The ratio is 1:5 for rabbit rearing. That is a ratio of five male rabbit doe. (Hah, for a man, do not be like a rabbit so I tuh ~ city more ...)


Ok, as I told above is just, if you want to give a rabbit to eat vegetables, do not give in the morning to avoid an upset stomach. Also make sure your rabbit is given a clean drinking water to prevent disease transmission. If you only give your rabbit food pellets / RB rabbits only, you need to make sure the water is because the rabbit is a rabbit is susceptible to wear and hard to drink water if it is fed only pellets. Do not give your rabbit eating cabbage ERM ~ nih round ... I am not sure why ... maybe there is a problem with stomach.

Si Kuning...

Si Kuning...

The Yellow ...

Prevent your rabbit from the cold. Make sure you do not bathe your rabbit because the rabbit can not stand the cold. Effect; foot rabbit will be stiff. It's some kind of rabbit that you need to make bonfires under the house every morning, to avoid rabbits in cold. Ok, tips nih, some colleagues who suggest kan sister Kat me. But I never do for fear of burning house, want to be bunny-rabbit BBQ I .. Wisudawan ~

Make sure your rabbit pens or cages clean. Remove wax or wash containers once a week to avoid rabbits you disturbed mites, midge, gnat, or ants.Place of Birth

Birth mother rabbit can be most quickly, once a month. If you do not want to keep rabbits tired of the child once a month, you have to separate male rabbits and female rabbits in the house as I just mentioned above. I was a normal cycle is like this;

My house is divided into two parts, the parts of a house, I put a male rabbit and a female rabbit for one or two weeks. While four other tail doe I put in the two pens. After a week or two weeks, change the doe that was with a male rabbit just the other doe. While female rabbits with rabbit male rabbit just put together another female (on the second house). When I just first or second week, change the doe the same with the male rabbit doe tu with others. I like this cycle was to avoid some of the tail doe, birth competitiveness. Because if my son will compete, we also confius. This son of whom? Which his mother?

Place of birth for the mother rabbit is, if you are diligent, you can make the box like the picture below.

Kotak yang digunakan untuk arnab melahirkan anak...

Box used for rabbit giving birth ...

Box used for rabbit birth ...

Because I do not know how to box like that, what I do is to observe the behavior of the female rabbit. If the doe is already removing the hair, fur to make nests, I will take it with rabbit fur, fur once, and I enter into a bigger bag and let it give birth there. Then, after three weeks, then I remove the mother rabbit and her children from the basket, and put them back into the house.

Rabbit Child Care

We need to see the mother rabbit. There are some mother rabbit who can take care of the child. Not least is the mother rabbit who can not keep up their child and just let her die just like that. If the mother rabbits to keep up their child, what should you do, just make sure the mother rabbit to be healthy and get enough food and drink. But if the mother rabbit does not keep up their child, you must jointly take care of the child's rabbit.

Anak arnab yang baru lahir...

Son of a newborn rabbit ...

Among the tips I got from a friend who sell animals on the market perliharaan Photography, he says we need to force the mother to breastfeed her child with a rabbit holding the four legs of the mother rabbit. While the other tips, some have suggested that children be rabbit stew rice drink (water porridge) with a syringe to 4 weeks. Tips to water porridge has been my practice and it works ..

Below is a picture of my baby rabbit is three weeks old ... Cute is not?
Antara yang dah dijual...
Among those already sold ...

Under this, the child who was aged rabbits over a month ...
Cute is not? Baby rabbit , name it 'Exclusively'.

Cute is not? Baby rabbit, name it 'Exclusively'.

Comel tak? Baby rabbit nih, nama dia 'Tenuk'. huhu~


Like cats, rabbits also is an animal that can be pampered. If the rabbit is spoiled, it will produce a 'purr' like a cat. Skeptical, not tahulah ker not correct, because the rabbits are out there I do not sound too (can refer Lazybunny). Occasionally, you can play and pamper you perlihara rabbits. Throughout I take care of the rabbits, I really love to find a rabbit in the paper. Especially thick paper such as paper boxes and paper bags. If you give a thick paper box on the rabbit, The rabbit will go and sleep in the box. If not sleep, Si hare will bite and scratch paper box to death before eating ..~

If you bring your rabbit into the house, make sure your rabbit does not bite and electric cables or telephone cables. This is because the rabbit is known for its love to bite and chew. Keep your rabbit from predators as well as the ferocious cat, and so on. .


Ok lah, it's the only tips that I think at this time. If you have any additional questions or would like to submit, your comment may do so spaces ok ... Thank you for willing to read ...


Thanks to :

The article originally written in malay & i make it in english so everybody could have taken the knowledge together.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Knowing How to Start Business-Method

Among the factors considered when you are starting a business is capital, the location (place of business), the type and size of business, competition, laws and regulations, sources of supply and so on.

Entrepreneurs must have sufficient capital to start and run a business.

Total capital required depends on the size and type of business, business location, and amount of credit to be given to the customer.

Capital can come from their own savings or loans from friends or relatives or from the bank. In order to obtain bank loans, the paper should be prepared to convince the bank's ability to repay the loan.

Location (Place of Business)
Entrepreneurs must wisely choose a strategic location or appropriate to ensure business success. Business must be placed at a higher power purchasing power and lack of competition.

The selection of locations can also be influenced by other factors such as capital, rental costs, competition, infrastructure, law and others.

Interest, knowledge and experience
Entrepreneurs must have business interests. Interest must be sustained and not just temporary. If not, the business difficult to run.

Entrepreneurs also need to have knowledge and experience in the business to be diceburinya. For example, if he wants to open a clothing store, he must know where to get the clothing catalog.

Entrepreneurs should acquire the knowledge and experience on the ins-outs of management, manage money, stocks, time, serve customers, keep records and accounts, and others.

Experience may be obtained by working as assistants in the areas of business.

Knowledge can be obtained by studying in school, college or university, read the books in question, according to the course of business, ask, talk and watch other traders conduct their business.

The type and size of business
Entrepreneurs must determine the type and size of business to be conducted. Type of business shall be in accordance with the abilities, knowledge and experience.

Size of business shall also be in line with available capital, ability, experience and knowledge to control and manage the business. Size small businesses started and managed easily. Business on a large scale requires substantial capital and not so easily handled.

Entrepreneurs also must think about the competition that will be exposed. Study should be made to identify the competitors, number, size of their business, their strengths and weaknesses of the response of customers to their business.

Opening a business in which many would not have the competition will attract many customers at first. But if the entrepreneur can provide better service, wide range of goods, reasonable price and satisfactory after sales service that many customers will be attracted to kekedainya.

However, entrepreneurs need to make plans and rigorous and thoughtful effort to rise above the competition.

Laws and regulations
Entrepreneurs must know the laws, regulations and acts governing the conduct of the business in a country that does not violate any law, regulation, or act that could hinder business.

Local authorities such as Local Council, Town Council or the City Council has determined the type of business can be conducted in certain areas as well as the type of license required. Entrepreneurs must follow rules set by local authorities.

In addition, all businesses must be registered with the relevant parties except the hawkers bergerai yanng hawk just need to get a license from local authorities.

Entrepreneurs also must comply with the sharing of different acts such as the Trade Descriptions Act, Price Control Act, the Control of Supply and others.

Entrepreneurs need to know the places where they get the supply of goods as cheap and easy.

Entrepreneurs need to know which providers can offer discounts and credit better.

Starting Own
A person can start their own businesses if they have the confidence and ability of course it will be successful. To start own business, it is necessary to ensure the existence of the following: -

Experience and knowledge
• Interest in continuing
• Adequate Capital
• source of supply
• Regulations and local laws
• Types of businesses that want to run
• Location of business

Many customers and a successful entrepreneur today has started his own business activities.

Take Move
Another way to start a business is acquired or merged. It means a business that is being developed to buy or merge with the other business and took over its management. Here, business development happen quickly.

When a dealer to take over or merge with a business, it should use the experience and knowledge to: -

* Negotiate the best price
* For the conditions of joining or taking over the good from the seller.

Factors to consider when taking over the business: -

Business Finance
In essence the process of taking over other businesses should take into account measures such as a preliminary study to assess the financial position and profitability as well as examine and inspect each of the financial details provided by the owner. It aims to ensure that its acquisition finance business is strong. The study also included reviewing existing business assets such as premises, equipment and furniture that are well worth the time. In addition, business liabilities such as loans and creditors also need to know in order not to incur high debt load.
Benefits enjoyed
The study of the benefits that can be obtained if the acquired business will also be considered, for example, can have the technology and expertise available. Similarly, assets such as land and buildings that could be developed for future expansion. Market share that has dominated business customers also can be enjoyed and controlled.

Problems faced
The problems faced by the business that caused the owner to sell should also be considered for review. The aim is that we can solve problems and make it a profitable business. For example, if the business is facing stiff competition, identify and study weaknesses of these competitors have to overcome competition.

Potential to grow
The future of the business should be reviewed whether it had the potential to grow further. Future studies can be done by looking at the statistics-statistics and current market conditions. For example, mini bus services in the Shah Alam held based on the number of residential and industrial areas that have been established in which there is much demand for these services. Several years ago it was not held due to the growth and development is still in the planning.

Will face competition
Competition to be faced are also considered. Do your homework and identify the existing competitors. Study the weaknesses and strengths of the competitors so that we can arrange plans or strategies to overcome them. For example, if a competitor has a particular expertise, trying to learn skills or get the expertise of others as a partner or be a partner or employed.

Interest and that there
Interest and should have a natural tendency to take over the business. Without this interest and, of course what will not to the extent required. Interest and is the basis for starting a business, so make sure it exists in our hearts.

There is also a business that is inherited from parents, ancestors, or family heritage. Kind of business is usually strong and has long existed in the business.

Invited mean business and have remained there invite a @ a company to partner with @ merged with its parent company. Individual @ company invited him as the potential and individual performance is very good @ company.

Thanks to :

Methods of Planting Trees

It is good practice to give intensive care to your trees planted from the first day of planting to ensure trees remain healthy. This also means that additional time should be spent for her care.

Exact Time For Planting Trees
Weather conditions play an important role when determining the time of planting. Newly planted trees need mild temperatures and adequate rainfall or water to the roots grown and adapted to the situation around before the hot, dry weather arrives.

Methods of Planting Trees
Some methods require digging trees planting hole.

Common practice is to plant trees in the ground with a depth of no more than the original trees were dug. Penananam hole diameter trees must be at least three times the diameter of the roots of "Rootball" or from the container during the tree purchased. This will provide enough land to grow roots.

Planting Trees In "Balled and Burlapped"
Tree with roots "Balled and burlapped" (B & B) usually have to be planted as soon as possible but can also be stored temporarily if the root ball retained moisture and stored in a shady place. Tree with roots "Balled and burlapped" (B & B) must always be transported in the root ball, not in the trunk. Section "Burlap" the root mass and soil must be maintained for mamastikan not cut it.

Land filling (a mixture of peat moss, materials and topsoil kompost) must be filled in the hole and it should be noted that the filling does not compress the soil to allow the flow of water through the soil particles spaces to get to the roots and allow more root growth from a ball roots.
Methods of planting trees (trees grown in containers)

Tree Planting from containers or polybag
Planting methods are more or less the same basic technique with B & B. If the tree is found in metal or plastic container, remove the entire container, carefully check the roots, use a hand or a blunt tools to remove small roots and root mass before planting.

After the trees were planted in a hole, the land of the container should be filled according the height of the original. Remember, do not compacting landfill with your feet. Do it carefully with the palm of your hand.

Planting Tree with Roots Exposed

Planting trees with exposed roots is different because there is no land attached to the roots. Should be remembered that trees should be planted immediately after purchase from the nursery. Make sure the roots are moist and have a root hair. Cut and remove damaged roots and make sure to maintain most of the roots.

For cultivation, extraction cone-shaped hole and place the tree in the middle of the hole and make sure the roots spaced 2 inches from the ground surface for the deposition of soil.

Thanks to :

These steps eliminate computer viruses

In recent years many emerging viruses are starting to bother people who use computers. If the first internet users are puzzled by a virus because of its spread is still limited by email and network. As technological developments, the mobile device is also developing information technology. Today almost every computer user must have the flash disk is a data storage medium that is highly portable and easy to use because of its nature, such as floppy disks but with large capacity and not easily damaged. But the popularity of flash drives on the user computer viruses fishing makers to create viruses that spread through this storage media. This makes the user's computer that is less understood is sometimes fooled because he thinks the virus is run other files such as Microsoft Word document files, folders, or other file formats. In fact that is being opened is a virus program that has the same icon with those files.

Not too long need to discuss the history of the emergence of this virus, but for users who have been hit by a virus then the actual eradication of the virus-virus measures are almost identical. Usually the general public who do not have internet access on their computers will be more prone to viruses because the virus is not up to date so that his antivirus does not recognize new viruses. There are several ways remove viruses from your computer if already infected with this virus. The following techniques are discussed in the Windows XP operating system because the OS is the most common infection and most widely used. Here is the technique of these techniques:
Removing the antivirus on another computer

By releasing a computer hard drive that has been infected with a virus and then loaded onto another computer which have the latest antivirus or at least able to identify a virus in an infected system. Perform a full scan on the hard drives of infected systems and remove all viruses found. Having completed the hard drive can already reassembled the computer, and run the system as usual. Do check back if the computer is still showing the same symptoms when exposed to the virus. Is a powerful way to clean the virus throughout the antivirus on another computer can recognize and remove the virus on the infected hard drive. But still leave traces of virus or startup autorun is not functioning. This trail is sometimes raises an error message that is not dangerous but may be a bit disturbing.
Removing the other operating systems

On a laptop or computer that is not removable hard drive then the other way is to run other operating systems that are not infected with the virus and do a full scan of the entire hard drive. Usually there is beberpa users who use dual OS such as Linux and Windows or Windows XP and Windows Vista etc. In addition can also use the LiveCD or OS Portable like Knoopix and Windows PE (Windows which has diminimazed and can dibooting from portable storage media such as flash disk or CD.) And then do a full scan with antivirus. Effective at removing the virus with antivirus on another computer example above. Viruses sometimes still leaving a trail is not dangerous.
Manually remove

If you do the above difficulties there is still another way is by manually. These steps are:

1. Turn off the process which is run by the virus. Active virus must have a process running on the system. This process usually monitor the activities of the system and perform actions when certain events are identified virus. For example, when we install the flash disk, the process will recognize the virus and infect the action flash disk with the same virus. This process should be viewed from the task manager which can be activated with Ctrl + Alt + Del but sometimes the virus will block this action by doing log off, close the Task Manager window, or restart the system. Another way is to use another tool to view and turn off the virus. I used to use Process Explorer from With this tool you can turn off the process which is considered a virus. At the time of the deadly virus belonging to note sometimes the virus's process consists of more than one process to monitor each other. When a process is switched off then the process will be turned on again TSB with other processes. Therefore deadly virus must rapidly process before the process is turned off again by another process. Recognize that the process is considered first and then turn off all the virus quickly. Usually the virus disguised to resemble the process but of course no different windows like that mimic IExplorer.exe Explorer.exe. Here are the windows that can be safely categorized as a reference process:

C: \ WINDOWS \ system32 \ smss.exe
C: \ WINDOWS \ system32 \ csrss.exe
C: \ WINDOWS \ system32 \ winlogon.exe
C: \ WINDOWS \ system32 \ services.exe
C: \ WINDOWS \ system32 \ svchost.exe
C: \ WINDOWS \ system32 \ lsass.exe
C: \ WINDOWS \ Explorer.exe

In addition to the explorer process you can use other tools that may be easier and could remove the process once. Another example is HijackFree. You can search on google similar tools.

2. After the deadly virus managed to do the default return value parameter of the system used virus to activate itself and block efforts to remove him. The parameters are located on the windows registry which can be reset to default values. Save the following file with any name with the file extensions. Reg. Then execute the file by clicking two times. If there is confirmation you can answer Yes / Ok. The following registry file:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5:00
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Explorer \ Advanced]
"Hidden" = dword: 00000000
"SuperHidden" = dword: 00000000
"ShowSuperHidden" = dword: 00000000

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ ControlSet001 \ Control \ SafeBoot]
"AlternateShell" = "cmd.exe"
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ ControlSet002 \ Control \ SafeBoot]
"AlternateShell" = "cmd.exe"
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ SafeBoot]
"AlternateShell" = "cmd.exe"

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion \ Winlogon]
"Shell" = "Explorer.exe"
"Userinit" = "C: \ WINDOWS \ system32 \ userinit.exe,"

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ regfile \ shell \ open \ command]
@ = "Regedit.exe \"% 1 \ ""

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ scrfile \ shell \ open \ command]
@ = "\"% 1 \ "% *"

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ piffile \ shell \ open \ command]
@ = "\"% 1 \ "% *"
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ comfile \ shell \ open \ command]
@ = "\"% 1 \ "% *"
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ exefile \ shell \ open \ command]
@ = "\"% 1 \ "% *"

The above registry file will unblock regedit, and prevent the virus transplanting himself to the system, and reset other parameters to prevent the virus from another road.
3. Once the virus is turned off and reset the system parameters. Prevent the virus active again by removing the autorun virus entry and startup of Windows. Could use the msconfig tool windows congenital or directly editing the registry with Regedit. To more easily use third-party tools like autoruns from to delete the entry and startup autorun virus belongs to TSB. Do not forget to check your StartUp folder on the Start menu -> Programs -> Startup and make sure there are no TSB virus entry.
4. Download the latest antivirus and do a full antivirus scan on your system so check the whole system and remove all viruses found. I suggest avira which can be downloaded from because of its free and virus scanner with the same tough commercial antivirus like Symantec or Kaspersky.
5. Before restarting make sure you do not pass the virus either from Process and startup or autorun system. Because if not, upon restart the system will return as when infected with the virus and in vain all the steps you did earlier.
6. After restarting your computer and check to see if symptoms appear when the computer is infected is still there or not. If there then you missed few autorun virus or reset the system parameters above are not successful. Perform the above steps and check more carefully every step before you restart the system.

That's the steps for a virus on Windows XP systems. To prevent the virus coming back should be diligent in updating your antivirus or install applications such as prevention or Comodo Firewall WinPooch which will warn users when there are other programs that will modify the system. So even though the virus is not recognized but before entering the user will be warned by the application of prevention. If you recognize the programs that want to access your system then you can allow such access, but if not should be rejected and blocked access because there is a possibility the program is a virus.

Careful when opening flash disk. Do not open the flash disk with a click two times. Open with a right click and select the Open menu to the autoplay feature on the flash disk does not run a virus automatically. Do not forget to note the files that you open. Although the icon same note that you open a file type open application or program. Make sure the word file is actually a word and folders folders really can see the details or properties from the file. Hopefully this article helps you become infected and prevent computer viruses.


Thanks to : IT Solutions, Tutorials

How to prevent haze

To prevent the spread of this phenomenon of haze and abuse of government and non-governmental bodies to outline measures to be followed not only by the people of Sabah but to all Malaysians.

Prohibition on Open Burning

The Government prohibits open burning, smoke is a major contributor to the haze. Apart from the open burning can cause fires that can not be controlled.

Cloud seeding

As a result of El-Nino phenomenon, dry weather and drought have hit the country. This situation further aggravated the situation, so work had to do cloud seeding for rain. When dry weather, a high temperature of clouds, water droplets into a light, very light drops can not be down to earth as rain. Thus silver iodine or dry ice will be applied to lower the temperature of the cloud. Ice crystal is formed and grows, then pulled by gravity, it will fall to the ground and turns into water droplets when diluted as a result of the temperature of the hot earth. Rain could help the situation when it brings together the haze falls to the ground.

Green Campaign

The government also launched a campaign to encourage tree planting and green in the home, office, school or at the mall membelih. Trees absorb carbon dioxide mambantu green in the air.

Thanks to :

Clever tips in Mastering English Language.

If you found this post , you might be one who already master in english or at least can understand english right ?

Anyway , below is few guide for those out there that are still learning english and want to master their english , so please read the tips below by yourself or ask your english teacher to read it for you .... Hopefully you will gain some benefits !

This is a translation from the english expert that i know and hopefull his tips & experience will be good for you :

"As I said yesterday, to master the English language, you must master the treasury said. You must know what the words on which you want to call. One of the quickest ways for you to memorize as much vocabulary is to write the purposes of English words into a special book.

Here. As I prepare for the study trip to the United Kingdom at ITM Shah Alam in the year 1994-1996, the level of my English is still quite weak. I'm actually better in Arabic subject from the form of five. So, I think again of what makes me able to master the Arabic language more quickly. How is that I have a special book that I wrote the purposes of Arabic words. How do I write?

Suppose you read any reading material in English, you may come across any words you do not understand. What should you do? Yes, consult the dictionary. Often, what students do is they will write the word on the earlier readings. That is, if they have a story in English, the book will be filled with the writings of the word that they do not understand. This is not an effective way to make you memorize English words quickly. Why?

First, books or reading materials that will be lost and not always with you. Second, when the meaning is already there, you will not be issuing any effort to remember the purpose. You will only depend on the books already written translation. So, stop this behavior.

This is the right way. Take a special book, if possible, book a thick-skinned that it is more resistant. Every time you find a word you do not know its meaning, refer to the dictionary and write in the book is just special. Write

1. Word
2. Which means (using the English or Malay)
3. Examples of the sentences. (Copy a sample sentence. It's no use to know the purpose of a word but not know how to use it.)

The third step is important. You need to know how it is used in sentences. For example, say you are a foreigner who is learning the Malay language. Then you find the word 'blood cekik' and you know the meaning of charging higher prices terlau to oppress others. So you make this sentence, "Ali cekik blood of the village for RM7 price for a kilo of sugar." Is it correct sentence? Not right? Sentence should be, "Ali said as blood cekik RM7 price for a kilo of sugar.

Practise this technique. If it is difficult, think again, andamahu master the language or not? :) "

Let's give credit to this expert :

If you want this article written in malay so just CLICK HERE !

How to open a Cyber Cafe

Just a brief & simple guide & hope it is useful for someone out there ,

This guide is just given based on this factors :
1. Cyber Cafe care experience (cc) of others.
2. Create
Cyber Cafe
3. Opening a business Cyber Cafe
4. Course of business formation MARA

Credit to him :

Cyber Cafe business need a lot of new starts. Like plants after rain.
Important factor that are essential in order to open a
Cyber Cafe are :
  1. 1. Location selection
  2. 2. Hardware Selection
  3. 3. The selection of management style
  4. 4. Capital
  5. 5. If no please add ..

1. Location selection
1. Based close to the IPT / Public Universities / Colleges
2. Housing
3. Urban areas
4. mmm if you have please add ..

Usually the first factor will always be selected. However, in my observation, the second factor is better in terms of returns as a less competitive and attractive prices.

Urban areas are areas that should be avoided. because the factor rents, paid parking and no housing nearby.

2 . Selection of Hardware / System
This is based on the concept that you want to go to cc. If the concept of Internet only, the minimum spec is sufficient. If the internet and light gaming, if spec is simple and to the Internet and the power games, please be a power spec.

For me the selection of the following spec is adequate.
Intel Celeron 1.1 GHz
MSI / Asus Mainboard (Integrated Sound & Graphic)
Kingston 256MB PC133 SDRAM
20GB Hard Disk
1.44MB Floppy
Keyboard & Mouse cheapest type
Headphones jugak of the cheapest.
15 "Monitor LG / Phillip / Samsung
NIC Dlink / Linksys

Price: RM 900 per set. (Or lower)
Spec is sufficient to
1. Internet software such as IE, MIRC, Yim etc.
2. Games like Midtown Madness, War Craft, Star Craft, HalfLife, Counter Strike, Fifa 2002. (All without CD)

Other equipment needed is
Network Cable - RM200 produce them
Hub / Switch - 2 X 16 ports - 500 (depending on model)
Modem - internal. - RM30
printers - No, it is recommended Epson C20/40 Series - RM180
scanner - any kind, Canon D646U been ok, price RM190

Electronic equipment is not
Counters (2 table can form a counter)

Depending on the budget.

Special credit are give to this author :

How to choose your first email for your business - Continue from last post about gmail ..

Yes , now we will take a look at few more other free type of popular email that you might want to join :

Yahoo! Mail
  1. If you just need an easy & simple email program to send and receive with few features, choose Yahoo! Mail.
    1. A lot of people use Yahoo! Mail just for signing up for things they don't want to be spammed by, and since Yahoo! Mail is not JavaScript based, it is faster on most computers.
    2. Yahoo! Mail has a new version in limited beta in which they are turning the interface into a more desktop like one.
    3. One problem is that Yahoo! has large banner ads and adds an advertisement onto your emails, however you can press an arrow which hides them.
    4. Another good things about Yahoo! is that you get unlimited space.


  1. Hotmail is another program.
    1. It has features, but a limited amount of space.
    2. It is also a little complicated for the non-computer savvy person. 2MB storage (NOTE: after 30 days, account storage bumps up to 250MB), signatures, stationary, HTML compatible.
    3. It also has a limited beta version, named Windows Live Mail, that offers 2GB storage, and some good features.(see How to Get a Windows Live Mail Account to learn how to sign up)

  1. Is a straight-forward and easy to use email. Offers 3GBs of storage and attachment sizes up to 10MB.
    • There are hundreds of personalized addresses to choose from which makes them unique among all the other free email providers.
    • Has recently been re-designed. Pop-ups have been removed, storage space has been increased, new anti-spam technology added, there is a ton of new content, it's starting to look a lot like a news portal, which is great if you like that sort of thing.
    • They do have some nice features. Notepad, calendar, address book, pop3, email forwarding, SMS email (costs money), games...
    • Overall, it is a good email program but still has room for improvement.


  1. Lycos Offers 5MB of storage, spam fighting tools, HTML composer, domain and address blocking.
    • It is a little harder to understand and use, but it is usable. It has banner ads and blinking lights, but if you don't mind these, it is alright.
    • It can automatically send an email to anyone who sends you an email. To upgrade to the better version will cost you.


  1. WorldEmail allows users to email search and create web-based email, but users are typically bombarded by pop-ups and annoying banner ads.
    • It also includes an address book, signatures, spam filters, a calendar, spell check, priority setting, attachments, and encryptions.
    • Kind of difficult to use.
ok , how is it now ? Do you have your favourite email to choose now ? Anyway , no matter what it's free & you may join all that but if you want to have secure email just chose the best from the email list that we have describe before ...


How to choose your first email for your business - Continue from last post..

Hi, again ,

Sorry to separate this post , i just have to make it easy & clear ,

The next steps is clarifying all free email services out there that fit your need & you will know when you do several research & googling on the internet , anyway , some of the information might be found as below as posted :

This time , i'll describe one of the most popular email type , as follows :


If you need lots of space and simplicity, Gmail is the one for you

Whats more ?
  1. Gmail continually gives you more space and practically unlimited space . It is currently offering approximately 8 gigabytes of space.
  2. While Gmail is an extremely simple email program, it has a huge number of features and 30 different languages, but if you just want to receive and send emails, you can just ignore these options.
  3. Another great thing about Gmail is that you have no banner ads. Only relevant text ads are discreetly displayed on the side. It also allows you to search for emails and organize them into as many different folders as you want.
  4. If you are worried about getting junk mail, Gmail is a best way to go.
  5. Gmail allows you to send 20MB of attachments in each email.
  6. Gmail incorporates several brilliant features - RSS feeds, integrated Google search for your mail, labels, conversations, automatically saving drafts (possibly the best feature ever), free auto forwarding, sending email from other email accounts (after verifying that they are yours) and lots more. With the huge space for emails, there's no need to delete emails. You can easily just archive them.
  7. Instead of organizing your inbox into separate emails like other email services, Gmail organizes emails together into conversations, making it so much easier to follow your emails.
  8. Gmail has the best email search ever. With a search bar right up top, you enable to search every word of every email you've ever sent and received within seconds.
  9. They have also very recently integrated GTalk (a form of instant messaging), which is very popular as well.
  10. The best thing about Gmail is that it's always being enhanced upon. If you ever have an idea of a better way to do something or a feature that you want to see, it is very easy to contact them and make suggestions. If you have any problems, their help page is extensive and easy to find what you need. If you can't find it, you can email them for help and you're guaranteed to get a response. You're guaranteed to be happy with Gmail.
  11. The interface is spartan, yet still not lacking in features. Generally, GMail loads quickest compared to Windows Live Mail and Yahoo! Mail.
  12. Gmail is also perfect at reminding you about things you have set in Google Calender. If you check you Gmail often, a little pop message will remind you on that days date at what time you should do the item.
Does Gmail is what you are looking , is it fix your need ?

All right , next we will see on different type of email that popular after next after google ... i.e Yahoo mail ... see u again ...

Post continue - Read next ...

How to choose your first email for your business

All right ,

How to Choose the Right Email for You
? Do you know how & what to take into consideration when selecting email for your online business activities or anything else ?

Ok , Within all the free Email services on the Internet, which one is the best for you? . Let's take a look at this , This might help you narrow the choices down to the best one for your needs.

First Step :

Think about what you really need out of your email host
. If you are a person who needs massive amounts of space. This should accommodate all the large emails you receive. Keep in mind that many large email providers don't last long (e.g. 30gigs is one such email host which was discontinued).

Want to know the next steps ... i'll come again in next post ...

Post Continue .....

This is my first post

I feel so glad to start making my first post on i1 guide. I hope this simple blog will be useful someday with full of guides on everything .

All right , i'll come again , next few hours to add more...

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