Saturday, July 17, 2010

Rabbit Care Tips

Ok, for this entry , I want to share tips on care to take care of one animal hair and long ears, the rabbit. Look how a.k.a rabbit rabbit? Below is the picture ...



Yes, in addition to writing blogs and selling clothes city (abis raya dah, dah jual baju raya no longer I ~), I also have a rabbit who is also defending the livelihoods of the rural is my all. Currently, there are ten pieces I have sold rabbits in the 'Photography Market, Bukit Gambir' with reasonable prices. (Ermm ~ affordable ker? Graduates ~) On the request of a new friend come to take care of the rabbits, here is provide some tips that I use to take care of the rabbits. Ok, Where should I start eh? Ok, rabbit nih he kind of type. I know the type he is, you can see here ...

Some of the things you need to know to take care of the rabbits are;


If we see in shopping mall, rabbit food that is sold is usually pellets. I used to call things , RB rabbits. Nih pellets look like he is a long-term. like the picture below.

Pellet a.k.a dedak arnab

Pellet a.k.a dedak arnab

RB a.k.a rabbit pellets

In addition, rabbit food, such as grass hay and a few other types of grass that is said is very good for diet rabbits. But for the rabbits that I advocate, I do not ever give this grass. Because in my village there is no sale of this kind of rabbit food. Therefore, to stabilize the rabbit diet, I feed 'grass Israel.

rumput israel

Israel Grass

In addition to Israel's grass, leaves, kangkung, sweet leaves, shoots, leaves, shoots tenggek birds, and pandan leaf salad king food for rabbits side. It does not require high costs for all types of trees and leaves that I just let it all already have planted around my house. Mainly grass Israel. It is much quoted in the woods dikebun-garden. Leaves of sweet potato shoots and leaves of cassava leaves can also be given to rabbits. But you have to menjemurnya prior to drying the rubber is in the leaf. This is to avoid rabbits 'drunk' because Ingestion rubbery leaves.

:!: I would like to remind here, if given a rabbit to eat vegetables or leaves, NEVER be in the morning. Because it can cause your rabbit abdominal pain.

Shouta~ Arnab putih saya...

Shouta ~ my white rabbit ...

Clean water should also be provided to rabbits. Make sure the container to put water in the rabbit is always clean to avoid rabbits infected with disease.

You can choose to take care of the rabbits in cages, or make a house for your rabbit. If you intend to memerliharanya just for fun (not for breeding), you can be anything in the cage. ~ Yield more or less like cages cat cages tuh ... But if you intend to create a culture, you better make a rabbit-house for your rabbit. With a wide place in the big house, your rabbit will be more free to move and not feel crowded if the number of rabbits has increased a lot.

Ibu arnab: Suki & Arnab jantan: Teruna~

Mother rabbits: Suki & Rabbit male: male ~

If you want to build a house rabbit, make sure the house has two doors. I mean, my house I shared my second or middle block is divided. This is to facilitate your rabbits separate male and female rabbits to organize peranakkan cycle for your rabbit. Because doe nih, it is time for him I could give birth, she will be fertile graduates ~ always ...
The ratio is 1:5 for rabbit rearing. That is a ratio of five male rabbit doe. (Hah, for a man, do not be like a rabbit so I tuh ~ city more ...)


Ok, as I told above is just, if you want to give a rabbit to eat vegetables, do not give in the morning to avoid an upset stomach. Also make sure your rabbit is given a clean drinking water to prevent disease transmission. If you only give your rabbit food pellets / RB rabbits only, you need to make sure the water is because the rabbit is a rabbit is susceptible to wear and hard to drink water if it is fed only pellets. Do not give your rabbit eating cabbage ERM ~ nih round ... I am not sure why ... maybe there is a problem with stomach.

Si Kuning...

Si Kuning...

The Yellow ...

Prevent your rabbit from the cold. Make sure you do not bathe your rabbit because the rabbit can not stand the cold. Effect; foot rabbit will be stiff. It's some kind of rabbit that you need to make bonfires under the house every morning, to avoid rabbits in cold. Ok, tips nih, some colleagues who suggest kan sister Kat me. But I never do for fear of burning house, want to be bunny-rabbit BBQ I .. Wisudawan ~

Make sure your rabbit pens or cages clean. Remove wax or wash containers once a week to avoid rabbits you disturbed mites, midge, gnat, or ants.Place of Birth

Birth mother rabbit can be most quickly, once a month. If you do not want to keep rabbits tired of the child once a month, you have to separate male rabbits and female rabbits in the house as I just mentioned above. I was a normal cycle is like this;

My house is divided into two parts, the parts of a house, I put a male rabbit and a female rabbit for one or two weeks. While four other tail doe I put in the two pens. After a week or two weeks, change the doe that was with a male rabbit just the other doe. While female rabbits with rabbit male rabbit just put together another female (on the second house). When I just first or second week, change the doe the same with the male rabbit doe tu with others. I like this cycle was to avoid some of the tail doe, birth competitiveness. Because if my son will compete, we also confius. This son of whom? Which his mother?

Place of birth for the mother rabbit is, if you are diligent, you can make the box like the picture below.

Kotak yang digunakan untuk arnab melahirkan anak...

Box used for rabbit giving birth ...

Box used for rabbit birth ...

Because I do not know how to box like that, what I do is to observe the behavior of the female rabbit. If the doe is already removing the hair, fur to make nests, I will take it with rabbit fur, fur once, and I enter into a bigger bag and let it give birth there. Then, after three weeks, then I remove the mother rabbit and her children from the basket, and put them back into the house.

Rabbit Child Care

We need to see the mother rabbit. There are some mother rabbit who can take care of the child. Not least is the mother rabbit who can not keep up their child and just let her die just like that. If the mother rabbits to keep up their child, what should you do, just make sure the mother rabbit to be healthy and get enough food and drink. But if the mother rabbit does not keep up their child, you must jointly take care of the child's rabbit.

Anak arnab yang baru lahir...

Son of a newborn rabbit ...

Among the tips I got from a friend who sell animals on the market perliharaan Photography, he says we need to force the mother to breastfeed her child with a rabbit holding the four legs of the mother rabbit. While the other tips, some have suggested that children be rabbit stew rice drink (water porridge) with a syringe to 4 weeks. Tips to water porridge has been my practice and it works ..

Below is a picture of my baby rabbit is three weeks old ... Cute is not?
Antara yang dah dijual...
Among those already sold ...

Under this, the child who was aged rabbits over a month ...
Cute is not? Baby rabbit , name it 'Exclusively'.

Cute is not? Baby rabbit, name it 'Exclusively'.

Comel tak? Baby rabbit nih, nama dia 'Tenuk'. huhu~


Like cats, rabbits also is an animal that can be pampered. If the rabbit is spoiled, it will produce a 'purr' like a cat. Skeptical, not tahulah ker not correct, because the rabbits are out there I do not sound too (can refer Lazybunny). Occasionally, you can play and pamper you perlihara rabbits. Throughout I take care of the rabbits, I really love to find a rabbit in the paper. Especially thick paper such as paper boxes and paper bags. If you give a thick paper box on the rabbit, The rabbit will go and sleep in the box. If not sleep, Si hare will bite and scratch paper box to death before eating ..~

If you bring your rabbit into the house, make sure your rabbit does not bite and electric cables or telephone cables. This is because the rabbit is known for its love to bite and chew. Keep your rabbit from predators as well as the ferocious cat, and so on. .


Ok lah, it's the only tips that I think at this time. If you have any additional questions or would like to submit, your comment may do so spaces ok ... Thank you for willing to read ...


Thanks to :

The article originally written in malay & i make it in english so everybody could have taken the knowledge together.

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